Name: Marcus Bell
Turned Pro: 1997
Playing Career: Sunshine Tour
Qualifications: PGA Golf Professional/Sports Biomechanist and Director of Coaching at ZEN Golf
Instagram: @ZenGolfMechanic
You Tube : Zen Golf Mechanic
Favourite Eagle Look: Elite 1/4 Zip & Gilet Combo
Marcus started his love for golf at an early age playing out of Retford Golf Club on the North Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire boarder. He enjoyed other sports such as Cricket, playing for Lincolnshire. In 1997 Marcus decided to turn professional and qualified as a PGA Pro in 2000.
He shadowed the worlds best coaches from a young age watching players such as Lee Westwood and Darren Clarke but went to Germany to learn his trade as a teaching professional. Marcus did continue playing, splitting his time in Germany by travelling to South Africa in the winter months to compete on the Sunshine Tour.
After a few years Marcus came back to the UK and decided to explore another route & studied Bio Mechanics at university. His knowledge he gained along with his already fantastic understanding of the golf swing has brought him to the place he is today.
Marcus now works out of Bawtry Golf Club working alongside the ZEN golf brand. Check out Marcus’s work on You Tube, it’s truly amazing!